Monday, November 7, 2011

Portal 6.1.5 Basic Tuning

WebSphere_Portal Heap Size

Parameter AIX POWER5 Linux Solaris Windows 2003 z/Linux z/OS
Initial and Maximum heap size (Mbytes) 1792 2048 3584 1408 3584 2048

Start with a heap size of 1024 in case the portal application is not too memory intensive. If portlets are caching a lot of data then start with 1200/1400.

In the Session Timeout field, select Set Timeout. Default session timeout is 30.

Parameter AIX POWER5 Linux Solaris Windows 2003 z/Linux z/OS
Session timeout 10 minutes 10 minutes 12 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

Web Container Thread Pool Size

Servlet engine thread pool size: Set this value and monitor the results. Increase this value if all the servlet threads are busy most of the time.

Setting the parameters: In the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere Portal > Additional Properties: Thread Pools > Web Container.

In the General Properties section, set the thread pool size in the following fields:
Minimum size threads
Maximum size threads.

Parameter AIX POWER5 Linux Solaris Windows 2003 z/Linux z/OS
Web container thread pool size 50 50 50 50 50 50

GC policy is gencon for AIX, and set following property for it:
Servers > Application Servers > WebSphere Portal > Server Infrastructure: Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.

In the Generic JVM Arguments field, add the following: –Xmn256m

Security Attribute Propagation


To reduce the Security Attribute Propagation (SAP) overhead, use the following custom property: disable Callerlist. If you do not use SAP, then ensure it is disabled to remove the extra overhead, which improves login performance.

If Subject has not been customized, then there is no need to enable Security Attribute Propagation. Security Attribute Propagation can add extra overhead due to some extra processing that is required. However, there are certain configurations where performance might be better with security propagation enabled due to reduction of remote registry calls. See the WebSphere Portal 6.1 InfoCenter (use the following search terms: security attribute propagation) for a discussion of when propagating security attributes is desirable. If you want to enable SAP for functional reasons, you can improve the performance with CallerList tuning described as follows.
Note: The following settings apply to all platforms.

Setting the parameters: In the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console, select Security > Secure Administration, Applications, and Infrastructure > Custom properties.

Table 2: WebSphere Security Attribute Propagation Settings
Name Value true false false false

For, create a new property. For the other properties, change their values to false.

          poolWaitTime="3000" prefPoolSize="10"/>

Table 3: VMM Context Pool Setting
Context Pool Setting Default Value Value
initPoolSize 1 10
prefPoolSize 3 30Number of open connections to maintain to LDAP server.
maxPoolSize 20 0A value of 0 allows the pool to grow as large as needed. If access to the LDAP server is shared by many systems, this setting may allow an excessive number of connections to the LDAP server; in such a case, set the maximum pool size to a value appropriate to your environment.

5/10/20 is a good value to begin with for above values.

LogAdapter E DCSV9403E: Received an illegal configuration argument. Parameter MulticastInterface, value:

Problem: Following exception is received in the logs and DMGR does not start. 
LogAdapter    E   DCSV9403E: Received an illegal configuration argument. Parameter MulticastInterface, value: Exception is java.lang.Exception: Network Interface was not found in local machine network interface list. Make sure that the NetworkInterface property is properly configured!

Solution: Please check that etc/hosts file has correct entries mapping the physical IP address to the name of the hosts which was configured at the time of installation of the server. This errors occurs when the name of the machine does not map with the entries in the hosts file or if the name or IP address of the machine has changed recently.

Friday, October 21, 2011

New Supported Clients for Mobile Portal Accelerator (MPA)

Apple iPhone



Internet Explorer

User Agent String for iPad 2

Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F191 Safari/6533.`8.5

How to midy Supported Client List using XML Access

There are 3 steps to changing the supported client list using XML Access (xmlaccess) utility:
1. Take export of the entire portal using the following command and input file:  

xmlaccess -in Export.xml -user userid -password password -url -out Result_File.xml  

Export File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <portal action="export"/>

2. Create Update_SupportedClients.xml file as follows:  

Import File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="PortalConfig_1.4.xsd" type="update">
    <portal action="locate">
        <client action="update" domain="rel" markup="html" name="Default HTML Client" objectid="M_0000000000000000000000C010" ordinal="75">
        <client action="update" domain="rel" markup="xdime" name="Default XDIME Client" objectid="M_VBL70VO20G0000I1D5CPPM3043" ordinal="50" uniquename="mwp.default.xdime.client">

Change the values of the "objectid" from the file (Result_File.xml) exported in the step 1 above. Change the "ordinal" and any other value as per your requirements.

3. Import the changes into Portal using following command:

xmlaccess -in Update_SupportedClients.xml -user userid -password password -url -out Result_File.xml 

If everything went well then you will see success message at the end.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Redirecting all users using Mobile devices to a specific URL

To redirect all the incoming requests from mobile devices to a sub-directory or a specific URL in IBM HTTP Server follow below steps: Open C:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\httpd.conf file in edit mode. 1. Un-comment following live in the file by removing "#" from the front of the line. #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ 2. Enable rewrite engine by adding following line to the end of the file: RewriteEngine on 3. Add rewrite condition for the detecting mobile devices after the above line using the below example: RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "android|blackberry|ipad|iphone|ipod|iemobile|opera mobile|palmos|webos|googlebot-mobile" [NC] 4. Add rewrite rule for redirecting the user to specific URL after the above line using the below example RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [L,R=302] 5. Save the file 6. Restart IBM HTTP Server. Now all user requests will be redirected to "" sub URL.

Enable user redirection in IBM HTTP Server 7.0

To redirect all the incoming requests to a sub-directory or a specific URL in IBM HTTP Server follow below steps: Open C:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\httpd.conf file in edit mode. 1. Un-comment following live in the file by removing "#" from the front of the line. #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ 2. Enable rewrite engine by adding following line to the end of the file: RewriteEngine on 3. Add rewrite rule after the above line using the below example: RewriteRule ^/$ wps/portal [L,R] 4. Save the file 5. Restart IBM HTTP Server. Now all user requests will be redirected to "wps/portal" sub URL. You can redirect the user to another website also using the same method but in that situation you have to provide full URL starting with Http://...

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